Sunday, April 3, 2016

Sasquatch Stomp 2016

Standings by score

Seab               AA1MY         Sasquatch # 940      -463,719

Randy             K7TQ            Sasquatch # 964      -217,503

Gary              KF7WNS        Sasquatch # 939       -46,602

Sandra           W7SKM         Sasquatch # 998       -45,538

Joe                 WA4GIR         Sasquatch # 963      -42,648

Stan                 N7OC            Sasquatch # 978       -41,479

Bob                  AF9W           Sasquatch # 996        -35,391

Rob                K3COD          Sasquatch # 962        -32,532

Jim                 AL7FS            Sasquatch # 944       -25,948

Rod                 WE7X            Sasquatch # 995       -19,998

Myron             WV0H          Sasquatch # 976        -19,998 

Charlie            KX7L            Sasquatch # 957       -17,877

Wayne            NB6M            Sasquatch # 999       -15,623

Jim                KA0IQT          Sasquatch # 969       -13,557

Vern              AA7VW          Sasquatch # 942        -12,729

Charlie           N7KN            Sasquatch # 977         -9,999            

Congratulations to Seab, AA1MY,
 top scorer for 2016!

Note that Gary, KF7WNS, was using his 1W20 with 880 mW output. Good job, Gary!

These standings may change as other score sheets are turned in.

Many thanks to all who participated!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Sasquatch Stomp Description and Rules

Sasquatch Stomp
by Wayne McFee, NB6M
Revision 1.07

The Sasquatch Stomp is an amateur radio contest sponsored by the Pacific North West QRP Group, designed to get QRP operators on the air for a fun event similar to the Zombie Shuffle.  As you will see, this event was inspired by the Zombie Shuffle and we would like to thank Paul, NA5N, and Jan, N0QT, for giving permission to copy their ideas. 

Unlike "real" contests, there is no point to this event other than simply getting on the air and having fun.  The event is scored, but unlike other contests the final score for each participant will be a negative number with the object being to get the lowest number below zero.

The Sasquatch Stomp will occur annually, with the first event occurring on Friday, April 1st, 2016.  Subsequent Stomps will occur on the Friday nearest April Fool's Day.

Why do Sasquatches Stomp?  Because we can, and we're good at it!

Hours of operation:  From 21:00 UTC 1 April 2016 until 03:00 UTC 2 April 2016.
For those on the West Coast, that translates to 2:00 PM local to 8:00 PM local.  On the East Coast that translates to 5:00 PM local until 11:00 PM local time.  Work as little or as much as you care to of that time frame.  The only point to this event is to get on the air and have fun.

To that end, remember that this is not a high speed CW event.  Slow down and enjoy helping others improve their skills.

Bands of operation:  20, 40 and 80 Meters, near the QRP watering holes on each band.

Mode:  CW Only, QRP, 5 Watts or less.

Initial Call:  CQ STMP

Exchange:  RST,  SPC (state, province, or country),  Sasquatch Number and Name.

If you don't yet have a Sasquatch Number, use the last three numbers of your ZIP Code, or the numbers included in your Postal Code.  This event is open to all licensed Radio Amateurs.

Instead of SK, end contacts with STMP

REBIRTH RULE:  So as to provide more action, work previously contacted stations again as long as one hour has passed since the previous contact.  Obviously, the same station can be worked on all three bands.
Some select stations will be signing themselves as Yeti or Yetina.  QSOs with these stations will be worth -999 extra bonus points.  YLs are encouraged to sign as Yetina.

Examples:  599  WA  999  Wayne
                   599  WA  998  Yetina

Sasquatch Numbers:  Begin at 999 in descending order.  Once we get to 000, further Sasquatch Numbers will be Negative Numbers.

Grand Sasquatch:  Wayne, NB6M, Sasquatch # 999

Grand Cryptid  and Contest Recountant:  Sandra, W7SKM, Sasquatch #998

Bonus Point OPs, Yeti or Yetina:  -999
Straight Key All Night:  -9,999
Poor Band Conditions: -9,999

Please email the Grand Cryptid ( to secure your own Sasquatch Number (good for life).

If you would like to be one of our Yetis, email the Grand Cryptid (  If you are a YL, please go ahead and sign yourself as a Yetina.

Wayne  NB6M                                                                           Sandra W7SKM
Grand Sasquatch                                                                     Grand Cryptid 
Sasquatch # 999                                                                      Sasquatch # 998

Sasquatch Stomp Scoring

Everyone will score at least -9,999 for poor band conditions even if no contacts were made.

From zero, subtract each Sasquatch Number or three digit Zip Code number and bonus points for Yetis and Yetinas contacted.

Multiply that negative number by the total number of contacts.

Subtract 9,999 points for poor band conditions.

Subtract 9,999 points if you used a straight key for the whole contest.  Record the result.  This is your Sasquatch Stomp Score.  The OP with the biggest negative score wins.

Submit score sheets to the Grand Cryptid and Contest Recountant by email at:

Score sheets need only contain the total for the Sasquatch Numbers, the math for subtracting Yeti bonuses, the math for multiplying that total times the number of contacts made, the math for subtracting the bonuses for poor band conditions and use of the straight key, and the final total score, as shown in the example starting with "Sasquatch Numbers Total".  You do not need to submit your log.  Have fun!

Example Log and Scoring

Sasquatch #
Yetis & Yetinas










Total  -6,283
Yetis = 2
2  X  -999

    =  -8,281

Number of QSOs  =  10
10  X  -8,281
    =  -82,810
Band Conditions

    =  -92,809
Straight Key
